
Nystagmus is the presence of involuntary movements in one or both eyes. Nistagmus may be in the vertical, horizontal or torsional. It can develop as a result of ophthalmological, neurological or vestibular pathologies.

Careful neurological examination should be performed in patients with nystagmus as it can be a sign of serious neurological damage. Common ocular causes of congenital nystagmus include cataract, aniridia, albinism, retina and macular pathologies and optic nerve hypoplasia. In most nystagmus patients, nystagmus intensity decreases with age.

In some cases, glasses and/or surgical treatment may be required. The main goal in nystagmus treatment is to correct abnormal head position and increase foveal time to increase reading speed. Iatrogenic strabismus or an opposite head position can develop after nystagmus surgery. Therefore, surgical planning in nystagmus patients should be done with great care.