Eye Examination In Childhood

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  • Eye Examination In Childhood

Early diagnosis and treatment of childhood eye problems is crucial to identify potentially life threatening situations in a timely manner and to identify pathologies that can lead to blindness.

Prior to any objective examination, the visual system should be questioned in three aspects. Can the child see well with each eye separately? Do the eyes appear normal? (Are the eyes parallel? Do they shift from time to time? Is there nystagmus?,

Is there a head position? Is there redness, edema? etc) Finally, does the child have any complaints such as itching, pain, burning, foreign body sensation, dryness, or discomfort in light?

The simplified approach to the problem by age group should be as follows. If the baby is premature screening for retinopathy of prematurity should be done. In infants congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma, corneal clouding and leucocoria, congenital strabismus should be assessed. Strabismus, amblyopia (lazy eye) and refractive errors should be evaluuated in the preschool period. During school years screening for refractive errors and acquired strabismus is important.