Strabismus Treatment In Children

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Strabismus is a condition in which the visual axes of the two eyes do not line up with each other. It is seen in 2-4% of the population. Although the cause of strabismus is unknown, many factors, especially genetics, are thought to be effective.

Your child can born with strabismus or it can develop later in life as a result of a health problem or accident. If strabismus develops before the age of eight early diagnosis is important to prevent the development of amblyopia (lazy eye). Children with a family history of strabismus, prematurity, low birth weight, retinopathy of prematurity, neurological disease have a higher risk of strabismus.

Strabismus can be diagnosed after a complete eye examination by an ophthalmologist. Depending on the child’s age and cooperation light reflex test or cover test with special targets can be used to assess the eye alignment. Pictures or letters can be used to test vision. Dilating eye drops are required to check the refraction of the child and to examine the optic discs and retina.
In most cases; the first step in the treatment of strabismus is the glasses. If the child has amblyopia your doctor may recommend patching the good eye for several hours per day. If these interventions are not enough to straighten the eyes eye muscle surgery or rarely botulinum toxin injections can be done.